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Figure 1: Lake Hazen with ice clinging to its shore during the summer.


Recent changes to Lake Hazen, the world’s largest high-Arctic lake, are from increased heat flow from the area’s known geological features, and not from global warming as per the many alarmist media reports.

Evidence supporting this is abundant and reliable.

Northeast Canada’s Lake Hazen lies adjacent to the world-class Greenland/Iceland mantle plume (Figure 2).

Mantle plumes are narrow streams of deep inner earth sourced hot rock that spread like a ‘mushroom’ cap beneath the Earth’s surface.

They act to significantly warm overlying rocks, warm and chemically alter overlying oceans, and melt overlying ice masses.

Research by the University of Kansas has confirmed the results of three previous studies all indicating that geothermal heat flow from the Greenland/Iceland mantle plume is the dominant and likely sole cause of anomalous Greenland ice sheet melting. (see hereherehere, and here).

The ground-warming and ice-melting power of this geological feature are estimated to cover 720,000 square miles extending from the northern edge of Ellesmere Island to the eastern shore of Iceland.

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Figure 2:  Location map of high-Arctic Lake Hazen and surrounding major heat flowing geological features, most notably the massive deep inner earth reaching Greenland/Iceland mantle plume.


Lake Hazen is located within and owes its very existence to a highly faulted portion of the Arctic (see here). Movement along one of these faults, known as the Lake Hazen Thrust, acted to down drop and form an enclosed long linear valley that is home to Lake Hazen.

Other geological indications of high heat flow in the Lake Hazen area include:  Surface Lava Flows in northern Ellesmere Island, High Surface Temperatures in southern and northern Ellesmere Island, the Wegener Left Lateral Fault, and the Borup Fiord Pass Sulfur-Rich Hot Spring(Figure 2).

There are a total of four mineral-rich springs located in the Lake Hazen area (see here, here, here, here, and Figure 2). It should be noted that the springs are geothermally sourced from deep, inner-earth geologic features.

Although the temperature of the spring’s water is cool at its surface-discharge points, it is likely that at slightly deeper depths the spring’s water is warmer, the result of deep, inner-earth geothermal heat flow.

The low temperature of the spring’s surface-discharge water is almost certainly related to the cooling effect of overlying surface glacial water.

The unusually hot spring-like mineral and biological content of the spring’s surface water and position of the springs above the faults supports this interpretation.

Discovery of two liquid freshwater lakes beneath 1,500 feet of glacial ice in the Devon Ice Shelf is even more proof that bedrock heat flow is at work in the greater northeast Canadian Arctic region (see here).

These subglacial lakes are likely generated by geothermal heat flow from deep, inner-reaching faults.

The long, linear shape and orientation of the subglacial lakes perfectly match the surface trend of faults that abut the Devon Ice Sheet (Figure 3).

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Figure 3: Geological map of Devon Island (left) and subglacial bedrock topographic map of newly discovered freshwater lakes (after Okulitch 1991, see here, here, and here).


Geologists had for many years suggested the well-documented existence of several subglacial liquid freshwater lakes beneath Antarctica’s 7,000 feet of glacial ice was proof of a significant, underlying heat-flowing geological feature.

Recent research by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) and others has proven that there is, in fact, a 620,000-square-mile mantle plume beneath Antarctica (see here, here, and here).

Other recent research has shown that this giant mantle plume is responsible for generating a continent-wide and interconnected system of subglacial liquid freshwater lake and streams (Figure 1 below).

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Figure 4:  Illustration of Antarctica’s massive subglacial liquid freshwater flowing system of interconnected lakes (light blue dots) and streams (medium blue lines). NASA research has proved what most geologists suspected for years, that this subglacial water system is the result of bedrock geothermal heat flow emitted from an underlying deep-earth “mantle plume.”


The discovery of two subglacial lakes in the greater Lake Hazen area may be the ‘tip of the iceberg’ involving the influence of geological heat flow and the vast interconnected system of lakes and streams in other Arctic regions.

In summary, the evidence in this article strongly supports the notion that geologically induced high-heat flow is affecting ice extent and biological systems of the world’s largest high-Arctic lake — not global warming.